Eat Yogurt And Lose More Fat Around Your Tummy

According to recent studies, adding 2-3 servings of yogurt to your diet may increase your body's ability to burn fat, improve weight loss and trim fat from your waistline.

Obesity, especially in children, has reached epidemic proportions in the U.S. The number of overweight children has more than doubled in the last three decades. Researchers have concluded that overweight adults who eat three servings of fat-free yogurt per day as part of a reduced calorie diet lose 22% more weight and 61% more fat than those who only reduced calories and didn't increase their calcium intake.

\"Smoothies For Weight Loss\"

Those eating yogurt also lost 81% more fat from their waistline than those not eating yogurt. The calcium and protein from low-fat dairy products help the body burn fat and increases weight loss. The calcium in yogurt reduces the fat cells' ability to store fat.

Eat Yogurt And Lose More Fat Around Your Tummy

Fat around the stomach is the most dangerous kind of fat. People carrying excess fat around their mid-section are more at risk of heart disease, diabetes, stroke and some types of cancer.

Yogurt-eaters also hold on to their lean muscle mass while losing weight than subjects on a yogurt-free diet. This is extremely crucial when dieting - your goal is to lose fat, not muscle. Muscle is a critical component to burning calories.

If you are trying to lose weight, eating calcium-rich foods such as low fat milk and yogurt while increasing physical activity will yield surprising results. Your consumption of carbonated and sweetened drinks should be reduced.

I recommend plain yogurt because nutritionally it is the best. If you must have some flavor, try adding some sugar free maple, honey, bananas, apples or blueberries. Vanilla or lemon extract are tasty additions to yogurt as well. It is best to add your own flavorings to your yogurt so you can remain in control of the amount of added sugar.

I would also recommend investing in a yogurt maker With a yogurt maker you have control over your ingredients. It's more cost effective and you can make a substantial amount of yogurt at a time. You'll have fun creating your own recipes
and achieving the perfect taste for your palate.

It is unwise to exclude dairy products, such as yogurt, while dieting. It is critical to keep your calcium levels high to maintain bone density and muscle mass. The calcium from yogurt will also aid in increasing fat loss and will make your weight loss efforts easier.

Eat Yogurt And Lose More Fat Around Your Tummy

The author's website Yogurt Maker Enthusiast features tips on yogurt, using a yogurt maker, yogurt starters and homemade yogurt recipes.