3 Week Weight Loss Detox Program

Detox, short for detoxification, is the removal of potentially toxic substances from the body. Although a detox program is primarily thought of as a treatment for alcohol or drug dependence, the term is also used to refer to diets, herbs, and other methods of removing environmental and dietary toxins from the body for general health and for weight loss.

This is a sample 3 week detox diet plan that is thought to support detoxification and weight loss by increasing elimination from the body, cleansing the colon, enhancing circulation to clear toxic substances, eliminating foods from the diet that require detoxification or are allergenic, and providing nutrients to support and protect the liver, the main organ involved in detoxification.

\"weight Loss\"

Benefits of a detox program includes weight loss.It is recommended to be followed for 3 weeks.

3 Week Weight Loss Detox Program

After 3 weeks,generally, people often feel improved energy,lose weight much quicker, clearer skin, regular bowel movements, improved digestion, and increased concentration and clarity. Improvement can also be assessed by measuring markers of disease and laboratory tests.

Here are the foods to eat when doing a 3 week weight loss detox program:

Fresh Fruits and Fresh Vegetables
All fresh fruits and vegetables are good for detox,for health and for any weight loss program.
Great detox foods include broccoli, cauliflower, broccoli sprouts, onions, garlic, artichokes, beets, red and green vegetables.

Brown or basmati rice, rice cakes, rice crackers and rice pasta.

Other Grains
Quinoa, amaranth, millet, and buckwheat can be used instead of rice. They can be purchased at a health food store.

Split yellow and green peas and lentils are easiest to digest and require the least soaking time. Other acceptable legumes include kidney beans, pinto beans, mung beans, garbanzo beans (chickpeas) and adzuki beans.

Nuts and Seeds
Unsalted nuts, seeds and nut butters can be sprinkled over any meal. Includes flaxseed, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, almonds, cashews and walnuts. Avoid peanuts.

Extra-virgin olive oil it's the best for weight loss and detoxification.

Herbal Tea
Herbal non-caffeinated teas, green tea,helps the liver and sustaines detoxification.

Other detox Beverages,also good for weight loss
Water, lemon water, 100% natural fruit and vegetable juices, rice milk

Here are the foods that you must avoid,for health,weight loss and detox,especially when following a program(diet and/or exercise):

Refined sugar and mixtures containing refined sugar, including sucrose, dextrose, corn syrup, brown sugar, turbinado. Avoid artificial sweeteners.

Fatty Dairy Products
Milk, eggs, butter and other dairy products.

Wheat and products containing wheat.

All gluten-containing grains, including barley, rye, spelt and kamut. Some people are sensitive to gluten, a protein fragment in these grains.

Coffee, both regular and decaffeinated, black tea, and other drinks containing caffeine should be reduced. Green tea is a great substitute to regular coffee.

Other Foods to Avoid
Food additives and preservatives
High-Fat Foods

Daily must do's when following a weight loss and detoxification program:

Drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water per day, warm or room temperature. Water is essential to clear waste from the blood. Thirst is often mistaken for hunger.

Do not drink liquids around mealtime.

Dilute fruit juice with 50% water.

Take the time to chew food well, especially grains.

3 Week Weight Loss Detox Program

Alberta McKain is nutritionist woman who used to be fat. After testing tens of so-called "wonder diets" she decided to create a Weight Loss Programs Review Website [http://www.loseweightfast.999answers.com], containing a top of the 3 best programs with a brief description about their features and benefits.

Visiting the website will help you make a wise decision. www.LoseWeightFast.999answers.com [http://www.loseweightfast.999answers.com]

Making Homemade Weight Loss Shakes

If you find that commercial weight loss shakes are costly and you are not sure about their ingredients, then try making homemade weight loss shakes instead. Homemade weight loss shakes are one of the most popular weight loss supplements because anyone can make them as long as you have the right ingredients, a blender, and some ice. In fact, they may even be helpful for some people compared to other weight loss products being sold in the market.

Simple but healthy

\"weight Loss\"

Homemade weight loss shakes are simple and easy to make because they do not require any cooking. When you use fruits or vegetables as your main ingredients for homemade weight loss shakes, you can get a healthy serving of all the vitamins and minerals all in one beverage. Furthermore, it can also serve as a replacement for other meals.

Making Homemade Weight Loss Shakes

Common ingredients

Sometimes, you may need other ingredients to add to your homemade weight loss shakes. It will depend on the type of nutrients your body needs and the kind of energy boost that you want. Here are some common ingredients that you can add to your shake:

o Fruits - these are helpful in getting rid of toxins from the body while providing antioxidants.

o Yogurt or low-fat milk - for your dose of vitamin D and calcium.

o Protein powder - for easier and faster digestion of your food while keeping you full for longer periods of time.

Other ingredients

Additional supplements and vitamins can also be added into your homemade weight loss shakes. Examples are bee pollen, black cohosh, ginko biloba, and dandelion. These ingredients promote healthy liver functions, cleansing of the intestines, more energy for exercise, prevention of fatigue, and prevention of allergies.

The benefits: vitamins and minerals

Freshly made homemade weight loss shakes are good sources of vitamins and minerals that pair up with co-enzymes and enzymes. These vitamins make the enzymes work and without them, our bodily functions will stop.


This is because enzymes work as catalysts in several chemical reactions happening inside our bodies. These chemical reactions are important to carry out digestion and the absorption and conversion of food to body tissue. Furthermore, enzymes are able to produce energy that are important for metabolic activities in our bodies.

The benefits: better vitamin and mineral absorption

When you drink homemade weight loss shakes, your body tends to absorb more vitamins and minerals coming from the fruits or vegetables you added in them, compared to eating them as a whole. This is because a lot of nutrients are trapped within the fiber present in the whole fruit or vegetable. However, by placing them in the blender, you break down the fiber to release the important nutrients.

You need vitamins and minerals

Even when you are on a diet, you still need the right amount of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that your body can take so your organs can still function properly. Furthermore, without the proper dose of those essential nutrients, you can become malnourished. Malnutrition can cause a lot of deficiency disorders and diseases, so make sure that your body is still getting its recommended daily dose of nutrients coming from healthy fruits and vegetables that you can eat whole or blended into homemade shakes. Here are more benefits of the vitamins and minerals you can find in fruits and vegetables:

1. Stronger nails and hair

2. Smoother skin

3. Essential compounds needed for health, physical well-being, metabolism, and health.

4. Maintain bone strength and bone density.

5. Regulation of blood clotting.

6. Aiding the functions of muscles and nerves.

7. Regulation of your heart beat.

8. Reducing risks on heart attacks and strokes.

Tips and tricks for making shakes

To start making your homemade weight loss shake, make sure that your vegetables and fruits are juiced raw. Depending on the fruit, small fruits with seeds can be placed into the blender with the seeds, like pears and watermelons. However, if you are using apples, grapefruit, oranges, nectarines, peaches, or papaya, make sure to remove the seeds or large pits.

Peeled and ripe

Make sure to pick ripe and fresh fruits and vegetables. If they are bruised, wilted, over-ripe, under-ripe, or even rubbery, the shake will end up tasting bad. If the fruit or vegetable is not grown organically, peel off the skins since all the chemical residues can be found on the surface. If you are using pineapples, grapefruit, papaya, kiwis, and oranges, make sure that you also remove their skins.

More tips with the blender and mixture

Vegetables and fruits should be cut into pieces that can easily fit your blender. If they get stuck under the blade while blending, use a spatula to remove the jammed ingredients before proceeding to blend. If your shake is blended evenly, add 2 ice cubes and keep adding them once in a while until it sounds smooth. However, if your blender cannot blend the ice cubes well, substitute them with cold water or cold fruit juice instead. Finally, if your shake is too thin, add more ice or fruit, and more liquid if it is too thick.

Making Homemade Weight Loss Shakes

Phillip England is a weight loss expert and director of TheUltimateWeightLossSecret.Com [http://www.theultimateweightlosssecret.com] - check it out for all your weight loss information. Phil also provides honest advice about weight loss supplements like Proactol [http://theultimateweightlosssecret.com/weight-loss-supplements/metabolism-boosters/effective-weight-loss-from-proactol]

Weight Loss - Extreme Body Weight Exercises to Lose Weight

If you want to lose weight and do not really have a lot of time to spend running 2 hours a day than this body weight exercise routine is what you have been looking for. This routine is not easy and will test your fitness level so before you try to do even one of these exercises I want you to check with your medical doctor and obtain his approval for you to try this routine.

Once your doctor tells you that you can perform this exercise routine give it a go and you can thank me for the slimmer body later.

\"weight Loss\"

This routine is to be performed 3 times a week on non-consecutive days like Monday Wednesday and Friday. When you first start this program you may only be able to perform this routine twice a week. It's OK do not get upset take your time and work your way up to 3 days a week.

Weight Loss - Extreme Body Weight Exercises to Lose Weight

So here we go:

Burpees 20 Repetitions
V - Ups 20 Repetitions
Burpees 20 Repetitions
Kettle-bell Swings with 2 hands 20 Repetitions
Burpees 20 Repetitions
Bear Crawls for 50 Yards
Burpees 20 Repetition's

If you can after a little break repeat the entire sequence again.

Every muscle of your body should be screaming in pain at this point.

Make sure you drink at least 64 ounces of water every day especially on the days you do this routine. It will help flush the lactic acid build up in your achy muscles and will also help your body heal more quickly.

Also make sure that you are eating a clean diet of lean protein, vegetables and fruit. Stay away from flour products as they tend to clog up the systems of your body.

8 to 9 hours of sleep is a must if you want to lose weight and gain lean muscle.

So there you have it a straight and to the point program to give you the lean and strong body you have always wanted.

Weight Loss - Extreme Body Weight Exercises to Lose Weight

If you live in or near Philadelphia and need help losing weight visit my website at http://www.WakeUpSkinny.com

Chiropractor Philadelphia PA

Acai Berry Weight Loss - Do Acai Berries Help You Lose Weight?

I'm sure you've heard about this amazing fruit called the Acai Berry with "mystical" weight loss qualities that help you lose weight fast, the natural way. This article will look closely look into it's weight loss qualities.

The Acai berry is really a small, roundish berry that looks like a grape. The fruit is made up of a pulp like substance with a seed in the middle. It is also said to be one of the healthiest fruits that provide natural energy to the human body.

\"weight Loss\"

The main claim made by those who consume these berries is natural weight loss. This is accomplish this feat unlike other products and supplements that boast natural appetite suppressant qualities. Instead, the Acai berry boosts your bodies consumption of calories so that you end up burning more calories during normal physical activities. The end result is natural weight loss. All you have to do is follow a sensible diet and exercise plan and eating this fruit or supplements of it will kick in and burn those calories faster than you would otherwise be able to do.

Acai Berry Weight Loss - Do Acai Berries Help You Lose Weight?

An added benefit of the berry is the fact that it's effectives does not decrease even when preserved. So even berry preservatives will continue to be high in antioxidants that give your body a huge boost to lose weight. The antioxidant benefits of the Acai berry rivals another berry that you know well - the blueberry. Acai has all the right vitamin and mineral properties to have a positive effect on your health and overall well-being in general.

Here's a list of how Acai Berry can help your body.

  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Lower cholesterol
  • Helps fight off cancer and arthritis
  • Helps you sleep better
  • Boosts energy levels
  • Cleanses and detoxifies the body
  • Improves digestive function
  • Minimizes inflammation
  • Improves blood circulation
  • Has high levels of fiber
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Promotes healthier and younger-looking skin
  • Enhances visual acuity
  • ...and much much more

Acai berries have some very valuable weight loss and general wellness qualities that are quite remarkable indeed. But in order to get the full benefits of the berries or any Acai berry supplements, you must know how to mix it with your regular diet and excessive routine. Consuming Acai alone will not help that much and a proven system plus knowledge to help you manage your weight loss is crucial.

Acai Berry Weight Loss - Do Acai Berries Help You Lose Weight?

Would you like to learn how to safely use Acai Berry products and supplements?

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You'll find topics that will help improve your overall health and sense of well-being related to Weight Loss, Relationships, Diet, Exercises, Nutrition, Vitamins, Prevention and more!

Hurry! Go there right now and discover how millions of people are gaining the maximum benefit from Acai Berry based products safely and effectively. Go now!

How To Calculate Weight Loss Percentage

Losing weight can sometimes be a very difficult task, requiring a large amount of energy and a lot of motivation. Knowing how to calculate weight loss percentage can really be a morale booster for your rough times because your actual results can only encourage you to perform more of the taken actions - like jogging, dieting or others.

It can also help you stay on track and not exaggerate with anything, as we do know that anything done in excess can harm your body. It can help you set goals and achieve them step by step.

\"weight Loss\"

But how do we calculate weight loss percentage? Is it a difficult math task? No way! It's a pretty basic formula. First of all you'll need to remember your initial weight.
Secondly, you'll need your actual weight at this point.
Now, the formula goes like this:

How To Calculate Weight Loss Percentage

((IW-AW)/IW) * 100= weight loss percentage

In this formula IW is your initial weight and AW is your actual weight at this point.
It's not as complicated as it initially seems: practically all you do is subtract the actual weight from the initial weight and divide the number obtained by your initial weight. Multiply the result with 100 and you'll get the exact percent.

Now you can see that it's pretty basic - but opening a lot of possibilities. For example, you can measure your weight once a week and create an Excel table which instantly calculates the weight loss percentage for you. This can really help you keep track of your progress and can be a real motivation booster as I previously mentioned.

With this you can also create a weight loss percentage graphic - actually drawing your progress at certain points.

Well, if you fully understood how this works, you can conclude that now you know how to calculate weight loss percentage. If not, try to re-read the article more carefully.

How To Calculate Weight Loss Percentage

You can get more details and download the 1000 Atkins diet recipes ebook for free [http://www.secret-weight-loss.info/]! You will also discover the top 3 internet weight loss programs [http://www.secret-weight-loss.info/] plus read other 3 free weight loss articles at my website [http://www.secret-weight-loss.info/]. Just visit it now!

The Best Foods That Help You Lose Weight

Weight gain be primarily traced to the types of food eaten. Food intake affects every singe person's weight. In fact, there are also foods that help you lose weight. These foods are what you should eat in order to get fit and achieve the weight that you have been dreaming of.

First in line are cereals rich in fiber. It may sound heavy to the stomach, but its heaviness is its real advantage. Cereals will make you feel full easily, meaning you will end up consuming much less food in the long run. Each morning, try to have this for breakfast. This way, you will be able to get all the nutrients needed to sustain your daily tasks while also saving your body from accumulating weight.

\"Smoothies For Weight Loss\"

If you are not into cereals, choose eggs for breakfast instead. Eggs are rich in protein, which gives the stomach substantial amounts of nutrients to sustain a day. Like cereals, they also cause the brain to send signals that you are full quickly. This way, you will not consume too many calories as your brain sends instructions of satisfaction.

The Best Foods That Help You Lose Weight

Replace a meal with salads. This means a mixture of vegetables and fruits like cucumber, pineapple, tomatoes, and lettuce. But make sure to skip using mayonnaise to let the diet really work. Mayonnaise contains fats that are a big no when you are in the process of losing weight.

When you are cooking, replace fatty oils with olive oil. This kind of oil is the unsaturated kind, which helps burn off excess calories with no hassle. When this is what you have been using for your food and even for your salads, you are getting closer to good health already.

Eat more citrus fruits like limes, grapefruits, oranges and lemons. These types of fruits have phytochemicals, which sweep away all impurities that may come shrouding the body's insides. As researchers would suggest, phytochemicals help lower sugar levels, which, in turn, decreases cravings. Therefore, it pushes you not to eat the foods that are usually the source of cravings, such as sweets.

Foods alone have important role to play in the reduction of weight. The aforementioned foods primarily work to cleanse the body and suppress hunger so that you can lose weight gradually. The thing about these foods is that they come in natural sources, saving you from the danger of acquiring disease through chemical substances.

The Best Foods That Help You Lose Weight

What if you can't lose weight! If you simply can't lose weight, you need to check this out Diet Strategies That Work.

Smoothie Diet - Will the Smoothie Diet Work For You?

Many people wonder if the smoothie diet will work to help them lose weight. Well, I am living proof that it really does work. I lost over 10 pounds in 2 weeks the first time I did it.

If you follow the right plan, the weight can come off pretty darn quick for you too.

\"Smoothies For Weight Loss\"

The smoothie method for losing weight is essentially a low calorie diet where you substitute your usual meals with a fruit or vegetable smoothie.

Smoothie Diet - Will the Smoothie Diet Work For You?

For those of you that like smoothies like the ones you can get at Jamba Juice or a smoothie store, you will find this diet very delicious and satisfying.

For smoothie enthusiasts - let me tell you - when you do this, it will not feel like you are dieting at all. You will not feel deprived like you do on most diets.

And if you do it right you won't suffer from those awful hunger pains. This is not a starvation diet - this is a healthy nutritious delicious meal replacement diet that you do short term to supercharge weight loss and flood your body with living foods that give you lots of nutrition and vitamins.

So how does drinking smoothies help you lose weight? Smoothies when made correctly and nutritiously can fill you up so you are NOT hungry and you won't be tempted to eat forbidden high calorie foods.

Can you lose weight fast? It depends.... if you follow the wrong plan you may end up drinking smoothies that are high calorie and low in nutritional value.  You know, it is the same way that you can ruin a healthy salad by pouring half a container of high fat dressing on it.

If you follow my favorite smoothie regimen you can be sure to get smoothies that are not only delicious but are low calorie wonderfully healthy meals.

Losing weight is a simple equation: when you burn more calories than you eat, the weight will come off.  With my favorite smoothies, it makes this equation come out perfect every time. The smoothie diet can speed up your weight loss in a big way, and you don't really want to lose weight slow, do you?

Smoothie Diet - Will the Smoothie Diet Work For You?

Click to learn more about Weight Loss Smoothies and the EASY Smoothie Diet


Best Foods For Weight Loss To Put On Your Grocery List

Scrambled eggs in the morning

On top of the list of foods for weight loss, you will find eggs. Why? They are rich in protein, they are tasty, and they keep you feel full for a longer time than sugar loaded treats. Studies conducted by specialists show that overweight women eating scrambled eggs for breakfast feel less hungry throughout the day and eat less than they would usually do.

\"Smoothies For Weight Loss\"

Reduce calorie intake with salads

Best Foods For Weight Loss To Put On Your Grocery List

There are three important things to keep in mind about best foods for weight loss: they make you feel full, they have nutritional value, and they have low calorie count. For this reason, salads are considered some of the best options you should choose when you want to eat healthy, curb your hunger, and lose weight. Basically, you can eat as much salad as you want without getting fatter, as its calorie count is so low that you will feel full long before you could eat the equivalent in salad of a single sugary treat.

Boost your metabolism with olive oil

The Mediterranean diet, as people call the actual menu those living in Mediterranean countries eat on a regular basis, has many health advantages and one of its secrets is the use of olive oil with almost anything. According to health care professionals, olive oil has great properties that maintain people healthy and slim. Olive oil is considered a great metabolism booster, which means that you end up burning up more calories while doing the exact same thing. Especially for middle-aged people, seasoning their foods with olive oil will help them fight off extra pounds and live healthier.

Why best foods for weight loss also include fruits

Fruits such as pears and apples contain fiber, which is important for having a healthy digestive tract. A healthy body is more capable of maintaining a healthy weight, but this is not the only reason why fruits like the ones mentioned earlier should be included on your list of best foods for weight loss. They also contain a substance called pectin, whose role is to regulate the sugar level in your blood. For this reason, if you are eating fruits between meals, you will feel less tempted to nibble on snacks that add nothing to your diet, nutritionally wise, but add plenty of pounds to your waistline.

Suppress your hunger with beans

One of the reason people get overweight is because the foods they eat leave them feeling hungry or, even worse, they make them feel unnaturally hungry all the time. If you are looking for a true appetite suppressor to include on your list of best foods for weight loss, consider beans. They help you feel full, and they regulate the hunger hormone production in your body. Also, they can help you decrease your cholesterol levels, making your heart healthier.

Best Foods For Weight Loss To Put On Your Grocery List

You know, calorie counting is never the way to go for long term weight loss. Restricting calories is the single worst thing you can do to lose weight.

For more information on The Diet Solution Plan visit: http://bestfoodsforweightloss.co/

Vegetable Smoothie Diets and Weight Loss - Important Things You Need to Know

You already know the value of vegetables. In case you don't, here's a rundown: They are full of antioxidants that fight free radical damage that causes cancer and other related illnesses. They reduce your risk of heart disease, diabetes and osteoporosis. They keep the immune system healthy and strong as they ward off infections and heal cuts and wounds. They are high in fiber which promotes good gastrointestinal health while allowing you to have repeated servings of salads without adding on excess calories. And because they are complex carbohydrates and take a long time to digest, they also make you feel fuller for longer periods of time. It is no wonder then, that a diet comprised mostly of vegetables always leads to improvement in health and wellbeing.

The problem with vegetables is that they're not very easy to eat. It takes know-how and skill to cook veggies that taste good and as a result, those that are mediocre-tasting are easily pushed aside in favor of the more delicious meats. For those who really can't eat vegetables in their "solid" state, turning them into smoothies allows you to meet your daily vegetable requirement to benefit your health. Because smoothies are liquid, they don't need to be chewed but simply guzzled in. A vegetable smoothie diet is also effective in weight loss. By replacing one or more meals with green smoothies everyday, you give your body optimum nutrition while staving the need to snack unnecessarily during the day.

\"Smoothies For Weight Loss\"

In the vegetable smoothie diet plan, you replace breakfast with a green smoothie. It is chock full of fiber, vitamins and minerals which will help you go through the day full of energy. You can also replace lunch with another green smoothie drink or you can choose to go solid. For dinner, make sure that you have protein, whole grains and more fruits and vegetables to keep your nutrition balanced.

Vegetable Smoothie Diets and Weight Loss - Important Things You Need to Know

If you haven't tried making vegetable smoothies before, the process is fairly simple. Cut vegetables of your choice into small chunks. Put them in a blender with water and some fruit and blend them well. You can add a little bit of honey for sweetness or you can simply have more fruit in your green smoothies to make the taste more palatable for you. As you get used to the taste of green smoothies, you can even out the portion of fruits and veggies until such time that you can make pure green smoothies using vegetables alone. There are different types of vegetables that you can use to make your green smoothies. Arugula and lettuce are just two of the many veggies you can use. Bananas and apples make good green smoothie partners as well. You can also go online to check out specific green smoothie recipes to add variety in your menu and prevent yourself from getting bored with just one taste. You can also add low fat or non fat yogurt to your green smoothies for better flavor. By drinking green smoothies, you ensure that you meet your daily vegetable requirements and get that svelte and trim figure you have so long wished for.

Vegetable Smoothie Diets and Weight Loss - Important Things You Need to Know

If you're serious about good nutrition, be sure to have a look at a Vitamix blender, there are a ton of tasty Vita Mix recipes that are very healthy.

Treadmill Weight Loss Tips

These treadmill weight loss tips are a great way to help you shed a few pounds and shape up. A treadmill is designed for the most natural form of exercise which is walking. You don't need any special skills to use these machines because if you can walk, you can exercise on a treadmill.

Treadmill weight loss is one of the most successful methods of losing weight. Just be consistent and work within your fat burning target range for 45 minutes or more per session at least 5 to 6 days per week.

\"weight Loss\"

If you are looking to shed unwanted pounds, implement a treadmill workout routine along with a sensible, healthy diet. The treadmill allows you the convenience of exercising in a safe, comfortable, climate controlled environment anytime day or night.

Treadmill Weight Loss Tips

If you are just starting out, check with your doctor before you begin any exercise regime. When you begin, start at a nice, easy pace, do shorter workouts for a few weeks and increase the length and intensity as your fitness level improves.

The main thing to keep in mind is to keep your body moving for as long and fast as you can but still remain comfortable. The faster the pace the more calories you will burn. The more calories you burn, the more weight you will lose.

Regular exercise on a treadmill will increase your body's metabolism and make it work more efficiently to burn more fat. The best treadmill workout plan is one that becomes a daily habit, just like brushing your teeth.

If you do a treadmill workout routine everyday you don't have to think about it, and it becomes a good habit. It soon becomes part of your normal day and you look forward to it. Consistency is the key to success.

Walking a treadmill to lose weight will consistently provide you with quality results and lasting benefits. It allows you to work at your own pace to burn calories effectively.

If you apply these treadmill weight loss tips they will have a positive impact on your weight loss as well as many other aspects of your life.

Copyright © 2005 Treadmill Info.com All Rights Reserved.

Treadmill Weight Loss Tips

This article is supplied by http://www.treadmill-info.com where you will find valuable information, ratings, reviews, articles and buying tips before you make the investment in quality fitness equipment. For more fitness related articles go to: http://www.treadmill-info.com/articles_1.html

Eat Yogurt And Lose More Fat Around Your Tummy

According to recent studies, adding 2-3 servings of yogurt to your diet may increase your body's ability to burn fat, improve weight loss and trim fat from your waistline.

Obesity, especially in children, has reached epidemic proportions in the U.S. The number of overweight children has more than doubled in the last three decades. Researchers have concluded that overweight adults who eat three servings of fat-free yogurt per day as part of a reduced calorie diet lose 22% more weight and 61% more fat than those who only reduced calories and didn't increase their calcium intake.

\"Smoothies For Weight Loss\"

Those eating yogurt also lost 81% more fat from their waistline than those not eating yogurt. The calcium and protein from low-fat dairy products help the body burn fat and increases weight loss. The calcium in yogurt reduces the fat cells' ability to store fat.

Eat Yogurt And Lose More Fat Around Your Tummy

Fat around the stomach is the most dangerous kind of fat. People carrying excess fat around their mid-section are more at risk of heart disease, diabetes, stroke and some types of cancer.

Yogurt-eaters also hold on to their lean muscle mass while losing weight than subjects on a yogurt-free diet. This is extremely crucial when dieting - your goal is to lose fat, not muscle. Muscle is a critical component to burning calories.

If you are trying to lose weight, eating calcium-rich foods such as low fat milk and yogurt while increasing physical activity will yield surprising results. Your consumption of carbonated and sweetened drinks should be reduced.

I recommend plain yogurt because nutritionally it is the best. If you must have some flavor, try adding some sugar free maple, honey, bananas, apples or blueberries. Vanilla or lemon extract are tasty additions to yogurt as well. It is best to add your own flavorings to your yogurt so you can remain in control of the amount of added sugar.

I would also recommend investing in a yogurt maker With a yogurt maker you have control over your ingredients. It's more cost effective and you can make a substantial amount of yogurt at a time. You'll have fun creating your own recipes
and achieving the perfect taste for your palate.

It is unwise to exclude dairy products, such as yogurt, while dieting. It is critical to keep your calcium levels high to maintain bone density and muscle mass. The calcium from yogurt will also aid in increasing fat loss and will make your weight loss efforts easier.

Eat Yogurt And Lose More Fat Around Your Tummy

The author's website Yogurt Maker Enthusiast features tips on yogurt, using a yogurt maker, yogurt starters and homemade yogurt recipes.

Do Saunas Help With Weight Loss?

Saunas have been a popular tool for relaxation for a very long time. When saunas were first introduced, they were used primarily for relaxation of muscles and relieving the stress and tension that build up throughout life. As saunas became more and more popular and widespread, the people who used them regularly began to notice some very desirable side effects. Specifically, people began noticing weight loss as a result of using saunas.

Weight Loss - Myth or Fact

\"weight Loss\"

Many people are still incredulous about the reported weight loss through sauna use. However, the increased popularity of saunas all over the world cannot and does not lie. Studies have shown that frequent sauna use does indeed help in weight loss as the high temperature acts not only on the muscle tissue but also on the fatty tissues of the body.

Do Saunas Help With Weight Loss?

Many people agree that saunas have indeed helped them with weight reduction. The question is how? It is not true that the heat of the sauna helps in melting fat. Saunas - natural or infrared - are unable to melt fat with the help of heat. What a sauna actually does is help the body get rid of its excess salt through sweating.

What does salt have to do with weight loss? Plenty - there are many medical reports which explain the connection of salt and gain of weight. This gain is not fat gain but water retention gain. When a person consumes excess salt, this is deposited under the skin and in order for it to stay non-toxic it will demand water. The more salt you collect under the skin, the more water your body will demand and retain.

The sauna helps you get rid of this extra salt and thereby gets you rid of the water weight that you have gained. If you want to maintain the weight loss you enjoy from visiting the sauna, you need to keep salt consumption to a minimum in your diet.

Hence, the sauna does indeed help you loose weight though not in the regular way of melting fat. The heat usually forces the body sweat out the excess salt and toxins and thereby reduced a great deal of your water weight. Combined with a healthy and salt free (or reduced salt) diet, you could enjoy the new found way of staying trim and healthy.

Those who have studied the effectiveness of saunas for weight loss have observed that side by side with the relaxation benefits of saunas, they do help with detoxification of the body and with weight loss, when used frequently. What could be a better combination? One takes a sauna for relaxation and relief from stress and ends up with weight loss and body detoxification.

Do Saunas Help With Weight Loss?

Improve your health and experience the benefits of an Infrared sauna. Saunafin offers a great selection of saunas that will fit your space and home decor.
